?Sister, Sister, Where Does the Sun Go at Night PDF

  ?Sister, Sister, Where Does the Sun Go at Night PDF

Sister, sister, I wonder...

What do you wonder, little brother,

What do you wonder?

I wonder, I wonder,

Where the sun goes at night.

Where do you think, little brother,

Where do you think? I think, I think...

Tell me, little brother,

What do you think? I think

That maybe, a demon.

The terrible black demon Of  Darkness

Eats up the sun each night.

For dinner.

See how the blue sky, at sunset, Is stained red with his blood?

But the sun.

The glorious brave shining golden sun

He fights the Darkness demon.

All night, every night.

And by morning,

He’s whole again and back to rule.

That’s where I think the sun goes at night.

Into the mouth of a monster.

After a terrible fight..

I’m clever, aren’t I, sister?

Oh yes you are, little brother, oh yes you are.

And maybe you are right, too...

But in the books that I have read.

That is not what they said.

Then what did they say, sister,

What did they say?

What do you think, little brother,

What do you think?

I think, I think...

Tell me, little brother, what do you think? I think

That maybe, while it is night.

Here on earth,

It is a glorious day in The ocean's darkest depths.

And the mermaids come dancing out Of their undersea caves

To frolic with the sharks.

We have seen it ourselves.

When we went to Mumbai last summer.


How the sun lets go of the sky.

Each evening at dusk.

And slides soundlessly into the sea?

That’s were I think the sun goes at night To flood the underwater.

With golden light.

I’m clever, aren’t I sister?

Of course you are, little brother,

Of course you are.

And maybe you are right, too...

But in the books that I have read.

That is not what they said.

Then what did they say, sister,

What did they say?

What do you think, little brother,

What do you think?

I think, I think...

Tell me, little brother, what do you think? I think.

That maybe there is no mystery.

That maybe the sun is just like Father.

He goes home tired each night.

After a long day.

At work..

And his wife, like Mother, Fusses over him, shushes the kids, Covers him with a night-dark blanket of stars, And hopes his snoring will not keep her awake all night.

And every morning, the sun Shrugs off his star-blanket, Paints the dawn sky red with his sleepy eyes And gets back to work.

That’s where I think the sun goes at night.

Home to bed until it is light.

I’m clever, aren’t I, sister?

I know you are, little brother, I know you are, And maybe you’re right, too...

But in the books that I have read.

That is not what they said.

Then what did they say, sister, What did they say?

Come here, little brother, I’ll tell you what they said.

They said, they said...

Tell me, sister, what did they say? They said

That the earth is like a ball.

That the ball goes around the sun Spinning like the red top.

Mother got you from the Saturday market, But slower.

And they said.

Every spin of the earth.

Is as long as a day.

And a night.

I asked about the sun, sister,

I asked about the sun.

I am coming to that, little brother,

Be patient now.

They said 

When our part of the earth.

The half where we live.

Is turned towards the sun.

We have day. And when the other half

Is turned towards the sun And ours.

Is turned away

We have night. They said

That’s where the sun goes at night

To bathe the other half in glorious light.

Can it be true, sister, can it be true?

I can’t say, little brother, I can’t say.

But in all the books that I have read

That is what they said.

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