قصص انجليزية للاطفال My inside weather PDF


قصص انجليزية للاطفال

 قصص انجليزية للاطفال My inside weather PDF

It’s easy to talk about the weather outside, even if it changes all the time.

But it’s hard to talk about the weather inside me. Sometimes it feels like people don’t understand. 

Do you feel like that too?

Some days my mind is full of sunshine and rainbows. I feel like I can do anything.

On other days my head is full of fog and clouds. 

It’s hard to listen to what people are saying or to remember things.

I sometimes wake up feeling like it’s windy and wild in my head. 

I feel tired and grumpy.

And sometimes it feels like it’s raining inside me. 

It can be a drizzle making me feel sad,  or a storm making me feel angry.

Sometimes the weather inside me doesn’t match the weather outside. 

Sometimes my inside weather doesn’t match how I want to feel or how I think I should feel.

Is that okay? 

Yes, of course it is.

The best thing to do when we feel like our inside weather is strange is to tell someone we love,  and talk about it.

They’ve got inside weather too,  and they’ll understand.

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

قصص انجليزية للاطفال

My inside weather

My inside weather

My inside weather

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